Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hotkeys for Omnifocus/Firefox

Until I get a chance to try out this integration for Firefox and Omnifocus (http://forums.omnigroup.com/archive/index.php/t-4510.html) I wanted to make a record of the hot keys I'm using right now.

Goal: Get a link to the current page I'm viewing in Firefox into a new task in Omnifocus.

  1. Command-L to get the browser location URL highlighted.
  2. Command-C to copy that location.
  3. Control-Alt-Space to open a new Omnifocus inbox item.
  4. Type a short description of the new task.
  5. Command-' to open the entry field for the notes. (This is single quote, not back tic.)
  6. Command-V to paste the previously copied URL.
It works, avoids using the mouse, but that is too many steps.